All posts by sikorskychiro

NSAIDs use may increase cardiovascular risk associated with osteoarthritis

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are the cornerstone of pain management in patients with osteoarthritis.

The results of a study presented at the Annual European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR 2018) suggest that over two thirds of the increased cardiovascular risk associated with osteoarthritis is linked to the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Results of the study demonstrate that people with osteoarthritis had a 23% higher risk of developing CVD. The increased risk of congestive heart failure (CHF), ischemic heart disease (IHD), and stroke was 42%, 17% and 14% respectively. Investigators then calculated the impact of NSAID use on the increased risk and found that 68% of the total effect of osteoarthritis on CVD risk was due to NSAID use. The proportion of the increased risk due to NSAIDs seen in CHF was calculated at 45% and more than 90% for IHD and stroke respectively.

Come see Dr. Steve for safe, effective chiropractic care!

3 Tests Tell You How Long You Will Live

Most people have a desire to live life to the fullest with a combination of quantity and quality.

There are many parameters that may determine how long you live, however this short article presents the findings of five researchers who identified three simple tests you can do at home to measure your ability to increase years to your life.

The medical paper published in the British Medical Journal in 2014 revealed a 13 year study where they took 1,355 men and 1,411 women in 1999 when they were 53 years old and then checked to see who was alive and well 13 year later in 2012.

The following are the three tests that were evaluated:

  1.  Standing on one leg with your eyes closed for 10 seconds or longer
  2.  Having a strong grip,
  3.  Being able to stand up and sit back down in a chair many times in a minute.

Let’s break this down a little:

  1. This one is a no brainer.  The better your balance is, the less likely you will fall.
  2. The more active you are the more you will be using your hands. Video games and phone use don’t count.
  3. The squat (getting up from a chair): the stronger your legs are, the more you’ll be able to stop your self from falling if you did trip/stumble.  Going up and down stairs require strength as do most actives around the house (pushing a lawn mower and carrying heavy objects).  The stronger your legs are the easier actives will be. If you want to learn how to squat safely call Dr. Steve and he can teach you how.

Once again, Dr. Steve’s big three health tips: to live a healthier life, eat healthy, exercise and get adjusted to live a long healthy life.

Cooper R1, Strand BH, Hardy R, Patel KV, Kuh D.Physical capability in mid-life and survival over 13 years of follow-up: British birth cohort study. BMJ. 2014 Apr 29;348:g2219

What you should know about morbid obesity

Obesity is an ever-growing health problem. As the number of overweight and obese Americans rises so does the number who are severely or morbidly obese. Morbid obesity is a serious health condition that results from an abnormally high body mass index.

A person with morbid obesity may have difficulty performing daily functions, such as walking and breathing, and is at increased risk for many serious health problems.

In theory, anyone can become morbidly obese. For someone to gain weight and become morbidly obese, they must consume more calories than their body can burn and use. The body stores the unnecessary calories as fat.

As more and more calories are consumed, the fat stores grow larger, leading to obesity or, as a worst case, morbid obesity.

Fast facts on morbid obesity:

  • The condition is characterized by having an extreme amount of excess body fat.
  • A doctor diagnoses it with a physical exam plus some basic questions.
  • For most people, morbid obesity is preventable and can be reversed.

What is morbid obesity?
Those who are morbidly obese are at an increased risk of developing serious health problems.

Morbid obesity is when a person has extreme amounts of excess body fat and a body mass index or BMI greater than 35.


BMI is a scale that helps doctors and other medical professionals determine if a person is within a healthy weight range.

Some doctors also consider a person to be morbidly obese if their BMI is not over 35, but they are more than 100 pounds overweight.

BMI is broken down as follows:

  • Normal: 19.0–24.9
  • Overweight: 25.0–29.9
  • Obese stage 1: 30.0–34.9
  • Obese stage 2: 35.0–39.9
  • Morbidly obese stage 3: 40.0 or greater

How does morbid obesity differ from obesity?

  • A person can be obese without being considered morbidly obese. A person who is obese has a BMI of 30 or above.
  • When a person is morbidly obese, they are at greater risk of heart disease, certain illnesses, and conditions that directly affect their quality of life such as:

These conditions are often referred to as comorbidities and are responsible for causing disabilities or even death.

Morbid obesity occurs when a person reaches a level of obesity that greatly increases the chances of developing one of these conditions.

The best way to prevent obesity is through diet and exercise. A healthful diet combined with regular, moderately intense exercise is ideal.

A person should look to eat:

  • fresh, non-processed fruits
  • green, leafy vegetables
  • limited amounts of sugar
  • reduced number of calories
  • smaller, more frequent meals

A person may want to consider regularly doing some of the following exercises for 30 minutes, up to five times a week:

  • walking
  • running
  • jogging
  • jumping rope
  • riding a bike
  • swimming
  • rowing
  • yoga or other fitness classes

If you need help call Dr. Steve or stop into his office.  He could start you on a diet and exercise program that could help you reach your health and fitness goals!

Small Study Suggests Sitting-Up-Straight Improves Test Performance

Like we need another reason to sit up straight!!!

School has started so this is a great opportunity to bring up this topic.


A small study of students performing a math test has shown a slight correlation between ability to perform the test and the posture of the student during the test.

Want to fix your posture? Call Dr. Steve and start becoming smarter. 🙂

JAMA Publishes Another Positive Chiropractic Study

A new study reported in the May 2018 issue of JAMA Network Open (study) of 750 active duty US military personnel with acute low back pain (LBP) compared the effectiveness of standard care alone (medication, physical therapy, pain management) vs. a collaborative care plan that included chiropractic manipulation.  The study concluded:

“Chiropractic care, when added to usual medical care, resulted in moderate short-term improvements in low back pain intensity and disability in active-duty military personnel. This trial provides additional support for the inclusion of chiropractic care as a component of multidisciplinary health care for low back pain, as currently recommended in existing guidelines.”

Chiropractic co-managed patients reported:

· significantly lower mean worst pain intensity;

· significantly less symptom “bothersomeness”;

· significantly better global perceived improvement;

· significantly greater mean satisfaction with care;

· significantly less pain medication use; and

· no serious treatment-related adverse events.

A related editorial published by Medscape Medical News noted: “These findings are particularly noteworthy because it is usually more difficult to detect meaningful treatment benefits in patient populations who have especially promising natural histories as they are young, physically fit, and unlikely to be using opioids (<6% of patients) and include a large fraction of patients with acute pain.”

Call the office and make an appointment. See if chiropractic can help you feel better faster.

Goertz CM, et al. Effect of Usual Medical Care Plus Chiropractic Care vs Usual Medical Care Alone on Pain and Disability Among US Service Members With Low Back Pain A Comparative Effectiveness Clinical Trial. JAMA Network Open. 2018;1(1):e180105.

Running bad for your cartilage?

MRI Shows Joints Recover Even Under Extreme Duress

This article was sent to me by a patient who is a ultra runner.  Ultra running entails races from 50-100 miles and beyond!

Dr. Uwe Schutz performed MRI’s on ultra runners twice during the Trans Europe Foot race.  One MRI was towards the beginning of the race and then again later in the race.  The first MRI found changes: significant degradation (inflammation ) in cartilage.  The later MRI’s showed improved cartilage inflammation indicating the ankle and foot cartilage have the ability to regenerate under ongoing endurance running.

Image result for ankle foot cartilage runners

Pretty cool stuff.  The body is amazing.  One study is not the be all end all but it’s cool to see the body has the ability to repair it self even under extreme conditions.

Source:Schutz U, et al, “The TEFR Field Study: Results of Continuous Biochemical and Morphological Cartilage Analysis of Hindfoot, Ankle, and Knee Joints in Course of a 4,500 km Ultramarathon Race throughout Whole Europe Using T2*-mapping on a Mobile MRI Truck Trailer” RSNA 2015; Abstract SSC07-04.

How gut microbes are joining the fight against cancer


Here’s another great article about gut microbes (probiotics). Probiotics are a hot topic these days.  It seems likemnew information is being discovered about gut microbes each day. Our gut microbes are affected by what we eat and environmental factors (toxins).  What we put into our mouth or on our bodies can effect gut microbes.  If the research continues to point that our intestinal health can effect our overall health and maybe even help in fight cancer, it’s a good idea to eat healthy and take care to protect gut microbes.

“Cancer has been a late bloomer in the microbiome revolution that has surged through biomedicine. Over the past few decades, scientists have linked the gut’s composition of microbes to dozens of seemingly unrelated conditions — from depression to obesity. Cancer has some provocative connections as well: inflammation is a contributing factor to some tumours and a few types of cancer have infectious origins. But with the explosive growth of a new class of drug — cancer immunotherapies — scientists have been taking a closer look at how the gut microbiome might interact with treatment and how these interactions might be harnessed.”

If you have any question about probiotics please call or stop in.  Dr. Steve would love to answer any question you have.


Exercise Can Help Your Brain

Strength Training Can Relieve Depression

A meta-analysis of 33 trials involving nearly 2,000 people showed that strength training led to a significant reduction in depressive symptoms

  • The greatest improvements were seen among people with symptoms of mild to moderate depression, as opposed to those without depression, which suggests strength training may be most effective for people with greater depressive symptoms
  • While strength training may not provide an all-out cure for depression, it may improve depressive symptoms as well as antidepressants and behavioral therapies
  • Strength training is a simple, accessible and side-effect-free intervention that could help drive down rising rates of depression and improve quality of life

If you have pain preventing you from exercising call Dr. Steve to see if he can help.  Don’t let pain stop you from exercise and improving your health!